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MAQNIFY Experience Guide

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Experience Guide by MAQNIFY

© Andreas Pacek/Romantischer Rhein Tourismus

Romantic Rhine, Rhineland-Palatinate

Bacharach Wernerkapelle

Churches and monasteries

An der Wernerkapelle, 55422 Bacharach

The delicate, fragile-looking ruins of the Wernerkapelle can be found in the fertile vineyards above the little half-timbered town of Bacharach.

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Welcome to Bacharach Wernerkapelle

This ruined, High Gothic church standing above the town, appears delicate and filigree. Work began shortly after 1287. It was erected after the murder of a boy called Werner. The Jewish community in Oberwesel were blamed for his death - an accusation which was completly unfounded. During the ensuing riots, forty people were killed. In the wake of this program a chapel was erected in Werner´s memory and people made pilgrimages to the grave of Werner who was buried there. The chapel is a well-known symbol of Rhine Romanticism.

Source: DataHub Rheinland-Pfalz

Wernerkapelle, Bacharach


Wernerkapelle, Bacharach
Wernerkapelle aus der Vogelperspektive


Wernerkapelle aus der Vogelperspektive
Wernerkapelle vom Postenturm

© Sabine Pilger, RNT

Wernerkapelle vom Postenturm

© Christian Kuhn, RNT


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