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© (c) VG Monsheim. Carsten Costard
Rhine-Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate
Historic Old Towns
Am Obertor, 67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim
Opening hours not available
Die Fleckenmauer ist im Rahmen einer Gästeführung zugänglich oder individuell nach Anmeldung vor Ort im danebenliegenden Weingut Strubel Am Obertor.
The stain wall is the only preserved medieval local fixation and doesn't has its name because it's dirty or because its structure has a special and diverse pattern. In fact it surrounds the former spot Dalsheim, which was provided really early with the privilege of the marketplace law. The people of Dalsheim got the building lease on the stain wall already in 1395. The 1100 meters long with unhewn limestones that has a highest point of ten meters, still has its seven towers today. Only the two gates were laid down in 1840 and therefore the defense function was ceased. Today the wall can be experienced and walked as a part of guided tours. Beside that there are various theme and special tours over the year concerning the lively history of the constructión.
Source: DataHub Rheinland-Pfalz
© • Stefan Ulrich, Die Fleckenmauer in Dalsheim. Ein