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© Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz
Rhineland-Palatinate, Eifel
Castles Museums
Mario-Adorf-Burgweg 1, 56727 Mayen
Opening hours not available
Winterpause: 01.11.2022 - 15.03.2023
ab Frühjahr 2023:
Samstag bis Donnerstag sowie an Feiertagen
von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
in den Ferien von Rhld.-Pfalz und NRW auch freitags geöffnet
The Genovevaburg castle is home to the Eifelmuseum and the Deutsches Schieferbergwerk, or German slate mine.
The Mayen castle festival is held every summer in the castle courtyard.
The Genovevaburg castle is one of the landmarks of the town of Mayen and can be seen from far and wide on a crest of rock above the market square. The late Gothic castle has been besieged, destroyed and rebuilt several times during its eventful history.
The current site consists of the Oberburg, or upper castle, with its 34m-high Goloturm tower, and the Vorburg, or forecastle, which is slightly lower down. Facing the town, the castle is protected by a large castle gate, and to the other sides by the castle keep and an outer ward.
Source: DataHub Rheinland-Pfalz
© Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz