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MAQNIFY Experience Guide

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Experience Guide by MAQNIFY

© Dagmar Brandenburg | Erlebnis Bremerhaven


Havenwelten Bremerhaven

Art and culture

Havenwelten, 27568 Bremen

An exciting blend of museums, shopping centre, residential district and business premises between the old and new harbours in the city of Bremerhaven.

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Welcome to the Havenwelten Bremerhaven

Welcome to the interactive science centre that is Havenwelten Bremerhaven! It is an exciting blend of museums, shopping centre, residential district and business premises between the old and new harbours in the city of Bremerhaven, and is also interesting from an architectural perspective. Here are a couple of the highlights:

The Klimahaus Bremerhaven takes you on a trip around the world along the eighth line of longitude, passing through different climate zones ranging from the sultry to the freezing. The Deutsches Auswandererhaus offers a moving trip back in time through the history of emigration and immigration. There is also Bremerhaven Zoo, one of the smallest in Germany, featuring a striking rocky landscape and large aquariums that are home to some 300 animals native to the water and the cold regions of the world.

The Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum is a Leibniz research museum with unique exhibits including the 1380 Bremen cog and specialist ships in the museum harbour to showcase the multifaceted relationship between man and the sea.

Book a guided tour around the Havenwelten online or in person at the Tourist-Info.

View of the New Harbour from the viewing platform

© Achim Meurer | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

View of the New Harbour from the viewing platform
New harbour

© Anika Hellmers | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

New harbour
Klimahaus in the Havenwelten

© Hannes Voigts | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Klimahaus in the Havenwelten
Deutsches Auswandererhaus in the Havenwelten

© Werner Huthmacher | Deutsches Auswandererhaus

Deutsches Auswandererhaus in the Havenwelten
Zoo at the sea

© Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Zoo at the sea
Schulschiff Deutschland in the Havenwelten

© Tanja Tiedemann | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Schulschiff Deutschland in the Havenwelten
Bremen Cog at the Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum

© Niels Hollmeier | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Bremen Cog at the Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum
Shop window fishing harbour

© Tanja Mehl | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Shop window fishing harbour
Shop window fishing harbour with the Line Hinsch

© Olaf Jainz | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Shop window fishing harbour with the Line Hinsch
Skyline Bremerhaven with the Havenwelten

© Felix Wiegandt | Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Skyline Bremerhaven with the Havenwelten

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