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© Thomas Linkel
Palatinate, Rhineland-Palatinate
Nature experiences
Am Abendsberg 1, 67657 Kaiserslautern
Opening hours not available
Opening hours: Status 03/2024
March, April and October 10:00 -18:00
May to September 10:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mondays - except public holidays and bridging days
NEW: Winter opening hours with discounted admission from November to February
Friday-Sunday from 10:00 - 17:00
Please check the homepage for current information
Japanese Garden Kaiserslautern
Experience the Far East like never before!
Visit us at the HANAMI Cherry Blossom Festival, listen to TAIKO drum concerts, enjoy the TANABATA Summer Festival or the TSUKIMI Moon Festival, order a traditional Japanese tea ceremony with MATCHA (green tea) and WAGASHI (sweets) in the original Japanese Tea and Guest House, meander through the mountain garden TSUKIYAMA, relax in the ZEN garden, listen to the waterfall and try the Asian cuisine in the new snack bar BUNKYO-AN.
A piece of the Far East in the South West... you don't have to travel to Japan to discover the beauty and meditative effect of a Japanese garden.
In 2000, the Japanese Garden Kaiserslautern opened its doors to those seeking to draw strength and peace from the artistic harmony between light and shadow, plants and stones, water and paths...
One of the most beautiful "by-products" of Kaiserslautern's contact with its Japanese twin city Bunkyo-ku is the Japanese Garden, which has been constantly extended and perfected since its opening.
It is one of the most beautiful and largest parks of its kind in Europe!
Typical elements of Japanese gardens include ponds, waterfalls, stone compositions, gravel, teahouses, mossy gardens and stone lanterns. European visitors do not necessarily need to be aware of their original cultural significance to feel the meditative effect of this artistically arranged garden.
The garden appears impressive and in full flourish. This is mainly due to its optimal location – an old park whose ancient copper beeches, giant tree hazelnuts and rare tulip trees have been added to the Japanese Garden Kaiserslautern and are a real stroke of luck for both the designers and visitors alike.
Cultural events such as painting and Ikebana courses, exhibitions and activities enrich the programme of the Japanese Garden Kaiserslautern.
Source: DataHub Rheinland-Pfalz
© Thomas Linkel
© Dominik Ketz
© Dominik Ketz
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