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Romantic Rhine, Rhineland-Palatinate
Marksburg 1, 56338 Braubach
Opening hours not available
Die Marksburg öffnet in der Sommersaison (März bis Oktober) von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr. Öffnungszeiten in der Wintersaison (November bis Februar) täglich von 11.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr geöffnet. (24.12. - 25.12. geschlossen). Eintrittskarten gibt es direkt vor Ort im Souvenir-Shop. Termine und Tickets für die Sonderführungen findet man im Internet unter
Marksburg Castle is the only hill castle on the Rhine that has never been destroyed. It has been lived in for over 700 years and thus represents an ever-changing and developing building complex that has been growing into its present shape over the centuries.
On the Rhine's right bank, upstream from its junction with the Mosel, a hill rises above the town of Braubach. Crowning the hill is Marksburg Castle, its unusually slender keep towering above the surrounding courts and ramparts. Beginning with the construction of the keep in the 12th century, the castle grew into its present shape throughout succeeding centuries. In the Middle Ages, the strengthening of the castle's defences became essential and urgent by improvements made to firearms. Huge outworks date from this time, as does the conversion of a gateway in the outer wall to a strong bastion. It is mainly due to these extra defence works that the castle was never seriously attacked. In more peaceful times, it was used mainly as a state prison. Now you can visit the most original castle in the entire valley of the Loreley. This impressive castle, home of the German Castles Association set up to preserve such ancient monuments, presents a host of fascinating artefacts that brings the Middle Ages to life.
Source: DataHub Rheinland-Pfalz